完成后,Palmdale 至 Burbank 项目段将:
Connect the Palmdale and Burbank Airport stations, designed at speeds that would support a 13-minute non-stop travel time, with operation time about 17 minutes.
通过现有和计划中的 Metrolink 车站将高铁连接到该地区
提供前往位于 Palmdale 的拉斯维加斯的拟建 Brightline West 火车的链接
加州高铁管理局(管理局)一直与公共机构和社区利益相关者合作,对设计进行改进,进一步避免或尽量减少对现有设施、土地利用、环境资源和社区的潜在影响。因此,管理局在 2020 年开发了额外的建筑替代方案,以纳入环境审查过程。
这些额外的替代方案是基于之前的构建替代方案精炼SR14、E1 和 E2,但已进行修改,以减少对棕榈谷南部敏感水生资源(包括乌纳湖)的潜在影响。
The additional build alternatives are referred to as SR14A, E1A and E2A. The prior alternatives of Refined SR14, E1 and E2 are included in the environmental review for a total of six build alternatives that are analyzed in the Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS). The EIR/EIS addresses many topic areas, including traffic, air quality, noise, vibration, aesthetics and more.
The alternative determined to best balance trade-offs between environmental, community, performance, operations, and construction factors is known as the Preferred Alternative. For the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section, the State’s Preferred Alternative, SR14A, is approximately 38 miles long and connects the cities of Palmdale and Burbank. It will partially use the existing Metrolink right-of-way to the extent possible for approximately three miles in the San Fernando Valley. The Preferred Alternative would avoid crossing Una Lake and minimizes impacts to nearby wetlands. Trains operating along the Preferred Alternative would be underground through the community of Acton, the Angeles National Forest and the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument. SR14A is also underground where it crosses the Pacific Crest Trail, avoiding impacts to the trail. SR14A 穿过圣费尔南多谷北部,经过一条隧道并从汉森水坝扩展区附近出来,然后沿着 Metrolink/联合太平洋走廊到达伯班克。
2022 年秋季社区会议(英文)
2022 年秋季社区会议(西班牙语)
SR14A 天桥
棕榈谷到伯班克,E1A 天桥视频:
棕榈谷到伯班克,E2A 天桥视频: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FmEySi0xeg
棕榈谷到伯班克,精制 SR14 立交桥视频: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axpn9OWGRUI
棕榈谷到伯班克,E1 天桥视频:
棕榈谷到伯班克,E2 天桥视频: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcDNRO9ZDtw
Project Section Environmental Documents