
CHSRA PB インタラクティブ マップ イメージ


Click on the map or click here to find your property in relation to the preliminary footprint for the Build Alternative.

If you identify that your property is listed as being potentially impacted, it is important to note that the property acquisition process begins after the Authority’s Board of Directors decides whether to certify the Final EIR/EIS, whether to approve the project, and whether to direct the CEO to issue a Record of Decision. These approvals are currently anticipated for the Authority’s June 26 and June 27, 2024 Board meeting. Comments received on the Draft EIR/EIS have been responded to and included in the Final EIR/EIS.

当局の通行権プロセスと移転支援プログラムの詳細については、 ファクト シートを参照してください。

当局の通行権プロセスまたは移転支援プログラムについて質問がある場合は、(916) 324-1541 に電話するか、info@ hsr.ca.govにメールしてください