Next Steps
Board Meeting on Final EIR/EIS and Related Project Section Decisions
The Authority’s Board of Directors will hold a 2-day meeting to consider whether to certify the Final EIR/EIS and approve the Preferred Alternative (the SR14A Alternative) for the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section pursuant to CEQA and to consider whether to authorize the Authority’s Chief Executive Officer to proceed with a NEPA Record of Decision for the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section Preferred Alternative.
The Board meeting is anticipated for June 26th and 27th, 2024. Final meeting date, time, location, and other information will be confirmed and posted no later than June 14th here or call 1-800-630-1039 for final information.
The Authority is proposing Board deliberation on the Preferred Alternative. For information on previous approvals for Southern California project sections, the Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section Final EIR/EIS (approved in 2021) and the Burbank to Los Angeles Final EIR/EIS (approved in 2022) may be reviewed on the Authority’s website at and are also available for review at the Authority’s offices as specified above.
Detailed descriptions of the Authority Board of Directors’ proposed actions for the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section will be available prior to the meeting on the Board portion of the Authority’s website at
Project Development Process